Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Class begins!

Yesterday was my first day of class and I love it! My fellow students are all pretty great and the staff is wonderful. Yesterday, we all went out to breakfast at this place in Manuel Antonio in a plane that crashed in Nicaragua and was taken here...an amazing feat to think of when you see how shitty these roads are and how steep the hill is to get there! The restaurant overlooked the jungle and the ocean, an amazing vista complete with a monkey to entertain us.

I took my first lesson in Borucan, a native language and it is HARD! I can totally appreciate how difficult it is for someone to be thrown into a new language cold. It was frustrating and I hated how confusing it was, but hopefully today's lesson will sink in more. We're planning a trip this weekend to visit the Borucan people, as one of the teachers here is a native Borucan. I really can't wait b/c it sounds absolutely amazing! There will be plenty of pics to share from that. It's been difficult to find somewhere to unload pics from my camera, but I think I might be able to at my host family.

Speaking of the host family, that's a strange situation. My room is very nice; clean and with two fans, both of which I appreicate! However, in order to go to the bathroom, I have to go THROUGH my host daughter's bedroom. No big deal if she was like 8 or 9, but she's 24 and I feel like I'm totally invading her space. Oh well. I'm sure she's used to it and I will get to be too. It's such a different culture when it comes to personal space and privacy and I'm so not used to it all. For instance, I came home last night and interrupted my host family's chanting of the rosary in the living room. Hey, that was nice. I felt like an ass for having to walk through that. My host mom has this giant rosary hanging over her bed (like 4 feet tall/wide) so clearly they're into this church thing. In my room, someone had gone through all of my stuff, refolded all of my clothes, made the bed and organized everything. I didn't really love that so much and was not sure if I could be offended though. The family has a housekeeper and I hear that they love to micromanage their charges' lives. Not so cool to me. Oh well...all part of the culture I guess.

I'm on a break from class right now and will update more later.


T.T. said...

sounds like baby J lives there. what an adventure! send pictures... do you need a jump drive mailed to 'the white girl c/o the house in front of the school'? love and miss you... keep up the blog... it's great... hope your throat is feeling better. T-giving on my end was good...same cast, new year.

lots of love,

chichi said...

Sounds great! When I lived in Europe, my host mother ironed my underwear. So anything goes!!