Sunday, June 7, 2009

Budget airlines

My newest travel obsession is European budget airlines. We don't have such a thing in the states and since I haven't spent much time in Europe, I've only used them occasionally. However, now that Carolyn and I are finally getting around to planning our itinerary, I can't believe the deals I've found. I just booked flights for us from Barcelona to Marrakesh, then from Tangiers to Milan for ZERO Euros each for each actual flight. Seriously. ZERO!!! Nada. Zilch. Nothing for the flight. There is a slight catch of having to pay booking fees and for any checked luggage. However, even after that, when converted back to dollars, each flight is only about $28 each. That's ridiculous.

We're paying less than a tank of gas for each flight to go from Spain to Morocco, then Morocco to Italy. I have no idea how they make money and as long as we (and our luggage) get there okay, I don't really care. Maybe they're using the plane as a really big drug mule. Or to transport nuclear waste. Maybe they're shipping prisoners from Gitmo to some other secret location. Who cares? This is what's making it possible for us to see so many places and stay for so long on really limited funds. Sweet. Maybe I won't have to pimp out Carolyn after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you! It's Dante Ganzini here. [aka] DRG. I know it is getting close to your launch date. Wish I could tag along but I am needed here. Please stay in touch and keep blogging.
Be safe, have fun.