Friday, July 17, 2009

Madrid museums

Carolyn and I walked around the Prado yesterday during its late afternoon free hours and took in some culture. I´m not big on museums, but did go to the Louvre while in Paris and spent the requisite time in the Prado. However, there is one museum that I love, here in Spain. It´s not big on history or art or culture, but what it lacks in typical museum appeal, it more than makes up for in atmosphere. Of all of the museums in Madrid, my hands-down favorite is the Museo de Jamon. Ah yes, the Museum of Ham is most fantastic. They have the best sandwiches for cheap and 1E beers. A definite score. Standing at the counter with locals and tourists alike, everyone is treated to the sights of curing meats hanging from the ceiling and all kinds of offerings, centered around (but not wholly including) many varieties of Spanish hams. Museo de Jamon is one museum where I will never turn down a visit.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday Soiree

A couple of months before we left for our trip, I read an article in the New York Times about a phenomenon called the Sunday Soiree here in Paris. It began many years ago and was a time for artists and thinkers to get together and eat and drink and talk and exchange ideas. There are still a few long-running Sunday soirees following in this tradition here in Paris. One of the most well known, is at Jim Haynes' house in the 14 arr in Paris, quite close to where I happen to be staying. So, I made reservations and Scott, Allison, Carolyn and I made our way to Jim's house to meet him and 46 other strangers to share dinner and exchange ideas. It was a lot of fun!

There were a few very odd people, a handful of "regulars," people from all over the US, France and some other European countries. The "official" language of the night is English, so it was easy for us all to talk to the guests and I enjoyed chatting with quite a few. Some of our new friends made their way with us to a bar afterward in the shadow of Notre Dame cathedral.

While there, I was talking to a couple of guys sitting next to us at the bar, and then noticed a big commotion just to my right. I turned and saw a woman lying on the floor in the midst of a seizure. It seemed no one knew what to do, but (surprisingly), my First Aid training came back to me almost instantly, even though I haven't had a refresher course in years! I have to hand it to those American Red Cross classes...they really do prepare you for these situations. Luckily, the ambulance arrived within 5 minutes of someone calling, and the woman was beginning to come out of it already. She was upset and scared and I did what I could to reassure her and remind her that she was in a bar and had had a seizure. Her boyfriend was with her and seemed so grateful for the help because I think he had a bit to drink and was a little in shock on top of that.

After the girl was taken away in the ambulance, we realized that the Metro had stopped running, so we were stuck with either walking home, or taking a cab. Before deciding, Carolyn and I decided that the end of a very crazy night called for a crepe. However, no such luck, as even the late-night creperies were closing. We did find a Greek place, still serving up french fries and shwarma though. And, with our love of the French fry, we settled on that, then found a cab to take us back home, marking the end of a very strange night, Paris-style.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Irish diet

Now in London, Carolyn and I made our way through Dublin in a few short days and I don't feel like I have to go back there. I liked it well enough, but really, how many French fries can one person eat in a 24 hour period? Well, I think I now have an answer to that question. After eating "chips" at breakfast, lunch and dinner, I have fulfilled my lifelong dream of consuming my body weight in French fries. Sweet. However, to offset all of that fat, I tried to eat away at it with alcohol, and consumed a comparable amount Jameson Irish whiskey. I'm now an "official" Jameson taster, with a certificate and everything. I went on the Jameson tour and was one of the lucky few picked to taste the differences between scotch, Irish whisky and American whisky. I lied and said the Jameson was the best, even though I'm a Jack Daniels girl to the end.
Carolyn has her own stories about black and white pudding...which is not actually pudding consistency, but that's really the least of your worries when consuming it! At least in London I've had a few vegetables (and less whiskey, but not necessarily less booze.) Now that we're on our way to Paris, I forsee the Jameson to be replaced with red wine. It's chock full of antioxidents and therefore, qualifies as a health food in my mind.