Friday, August 14, 2009

More Prague

Prague was definitely one of my favorite cities so far on this trip, and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes any of the below three things:
Pork knuckle

Don't knock the knuckle either. It's freaking fantastic. Imagine 650 grams of pure pork deliciousness (no bones) for a mere $7. Throw in one of the fantastic Czech beers, and you have a delicious way to consume more than one day's worth of calories. Awesome. I'm not sure what kind of pig these "knuckles" come from; they must look pretty funny with giant boneless knuckles, walking around on the farm. Somehow I think the word "knuckle" is mistranslated or something. Suffice it to say, it's a giant chunk of meat and leave it at that.

Besides the pork festivities though, Prague has a lot to offer and so many amazing and beautiful sights to see. I've heard from quite a few backpackers that it's "too touristy," yet at the same time, there they were visiting it. Somehow I think it's "cool" to say things disparaging tourists from *hardcore* backpackers; somehow they forget that they too, are tourists. And, the reason Prague is so touristy, is that it's an awesome place to visit. Duh.

While in Prague, I was able to meet up with my friend Xac, with whom I studied Arabic last year, while I was in Morocco. He's working in France now, doing an English language teaching assistantship through the French government that sounds really interesting to me. I've looked into it and I'm trying to apply for the fall. If not this year, it's something I'd love to check out for next year. I'd get to practice my French and earn a little money, all while living in France, getting to use their healthcare system AND get all of their holidays. I swear there is no other country on Earth that has more holidays than the French. That, on top of a mandatory maximum 35 hour work week, just sounds perfect to me.

I could just marry someone from the EU so I can get a work visa here. Just think. If the US had never won the Revolutionary War, we'd have EU membership too. And neither George Bush would have been elected. And we'd use the British Pound for currency. Wow. That's not sounding like such a bad deal right now, with this economy!

Next stop: Krakow, Poland.

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